Deciphering Your 401(k): Should You Invest, Traditional or Roth, and Target Date Funds
If you have been hesitant to make investment decisions in your 401(k) plan or are concerned that you’re making the wrong decisions, you are not alone.
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Financial Moves to Make in Your 20’s
It’s easy for someone in their 20’s to not worry about making
long-term financial plans, but failing to do so is setting themselves up to be in a
worse position later in life.
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Is Investing in the Stock Market Still a Good Idea?
Stock market volatility and a litany of geopolitical uncertainty may confirm the risk of investing in the stock market.
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Using Inflation to Your Advantage
High inflation has opened a unique opportunity to take advantage of I Bonds.
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The Key to Tax-Free Investing
One step we can take today to induce more financial freedom in retirement is through contributing to a Roth IRA.
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"Meditations", Marcus Aurelius, Translated by Gregory Hays
"The River of Doubt: Theodore Roosevelt’s Darkest Journey", Candice Millard
"Greenlights", Matthew McConaughey
"Return of the God Hypothesis", Stephen C. Meyer
"The Psychology of Money", Morgan Housel
"The Little Book of Common Sense Investing", John C. Bogle
"Until the End of Time", Brian Greene
"Forty Ways to Look at Winston Churchill", Gretchen Rubin
"Chaos", Tom O’Neill, Dan Piepenbring

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